Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Common Art Week 10 - Art Style Guides

This week, my team worked on analyzing the art style of Little Nightmares, which will be the main inspiration for our VR experience.  We met to discuss the division of the slides with a focus on which topics played to each person's strengths and art specialization.  We made the decision to each be individually responsible for 2-3 slides and then all add images to the Mood and Inspiration slides.  I made the base presentation template and created the slides for Characters and Iconography, making contributions to Mood and Inspiration as well.

note: the slides are almost the same color as the blog background, so the outlines on the slides make the edges look a bit strange; click on the images to see them properly

Monday, October 25, 2021

3D Art Week 9 - VR Environment Proxy Models


My VR environment is mainly inspired by steampunk designs, ritualistic concepts, and photographs of nature reclaiming areas that once belonged to man (I hope to implement this last one a bit more once I have my final models and materials).  The interactive item will be the skull on the ground - when the player places it in the hole on the monument, the lights will turn on.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Common Art Week 9 - Understanding Story

My team will be recreating the tea party scene from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll) in the style of Tim Burton.  

For the Hero's Journey assignment, we met as a team several times and came up with an original story with the Dormouse as the Hero, the Mad Hatter as the Herald, the March Hare as the Mentor, a bloodthirsty plant as the Threshold Guardian, talking flowers as the Tricksters, the March Hare as the Shapeshifter, and the Cheshire Cat as the Shadow.  We decided to use a more sinister look for this assignment as well, though it's not exactly Tim Burton yet.

I made the template PowerPoint for the team, and we decided to break the assignment into equal portions, so that we each were responsible for 3 slides (or, 3 stops on the Hero's Journey.)  My slides were the Return, New Life, and Resolution/new Status Quo.  Below are the images I made in Photoshop compositing over 15 images and some hand-painted details:

Return: The Dormouse returns to the Tea Party with the cookie

New Life: The Mad Hatter no longer tries to stuff the Dormouse into tea pots - the Dormouse is now more well-respected.

Resolution/New Status Quo: Alice eats the cookie and returns to normal size.  The March Hare promises the Dormouse he can help make the cookies next time.  The Dormouse goes back to sleep.

Monday, October 11, 2021

3D Art Week 7 - Final Version of the Cannon

There are still a few details I might change with this project, but after several texture revisions the final screenshots are finally here!  The first few are high-resolution screenshots from Unreal Engine 5, and the last few are renders from Substance Painter.  I'm really happy with how this cannon turned out, and I'm excited to use what I've learned for future projects!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Common Art Week 6 - Use of Perspective


I was unsure what I wanted to do with this assignment, but then I searched for "military transport vehicle" and found a lot more inspiration than I was counting on - I finally settled for this Cougar 6x6, and ended up having a lot of fun making the model and had a hard time deciding when to stop; there's still so much I could do with it.  If I had more time, I would definitely keep working on this model and the art to make a fully photorealistic scene!

Monday, October 4, 2021

3D Art Week 6 - Cannon Sculpting


This week, I focused on sculpting my cannon in ZBrush.  It took a lot longer than expected, but I think all the effort definitely paid off.  I used a variety of techniques, including extruding a design using an alpha, making my own alphas, freehand sculpting, and the noise plugin (that part was my favorite).  The parts of the cannon were grouped by type, decimated in ZBrush and exported as the high-res models, so the cannon is now completely ready to re-mesh and texture.

3D Art Summer Project 3 - Week 3.5

We only had a few days since the last turn-in to perfect this project, but I've definitely made some changes.  I wasn't happy with h...