Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Common Art Week 9 - Understanding Story

My team will be recreating the tea party scene from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll) in the style of Tim Burton.  

For the Hero's Journey assignment, we met as a team several times and came up with an original story with the Dormouse as the Hero, the Mad Hatter as the Herald, the March Hare as the Mentor, a bloodthirsty plant as the Threshold Guardian, talking flowers as the Tricksters, the March Hare as the Shapeshifter, and the Cheshire Cat as the Shadow.  We decided to use a more sinister look for this assignment as well, though it's not exactly Tim Burton yet.

I made the template PowerPoint for the team, and we decided to break the assignment into equal portions, so that we each were responsible for 3 slides (or, 3 stops on the Hero's Journey.)  My slides were the Return, New Life, and Resolution/new Status Quo.  Below are the images I made in Photoshop compositing over 15 images and some hand-painted details:

Return: The Dormouse returns to the Tea Party with the cookie

New Life: The Mad Hatter no longer tries to stuff the Dormouse into tea pots - the Dormouse is now more well-respected.

Resolution/New Status Quo: Alice eats the cookie and returns to normal size.  The March Hare promises the Dormouse he can help make the cookies next time.  The Dormouse goes back to sleep.

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