I finally finished working on this research-type project! I'm very happy with the final result I got in Marmoset, especially the metal hilt (will still experiment with the model in Unreal Engine though.) I used a mix of hand-painted lines and rendering outlines to achieve this look.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Final Creature Project
I wanted to make a post with the latest images of the Creature I showed at Industry Review! Still may revisit him but I'm very happy with how he currently looks.
Monday, April 25, 2022
3D Art Week 14 - Vehicle Week 3
The final truck is here! I will still tweak lighting and perhaps small texture details, but I'm happy with how it's currently looking and this will definitely be a permanent portfolio piece. I did still add a few things to the game-res this week and change some existing things before the first bake (and continued to do so through the texturing process because of a couple of minor baking issues.)
Week 1: Proxy/game-res part 1
Week 2: Final game-res
Week 3: UVs, texturing and final display
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Common Art - VR Sprint 7
This sprint, I textured the damaged and undamaged debris and the destructible blocks, and re-did the materials from last sprint (thermal wall, floor, thermal pipe, water pipe, power cable, and ammo cable). I also re-did UVs and fixed some mesh issues, most notably in the thermal wall and debris models. Of course, I also created material instances in-engine for everything and re-imported all models and textures that had been changed.
The lighting is still a bit dark in the level, so I included screenshots from the UE preview window to show that the materials are in-engine but also demonstrate their 'true' intended color until we decide how we want the final level to look.
Monday, April 18, 2022
3D Art Week 13 - Vehicle Week 2
I keep finding more and more details to add to this guy...finally pretty much finished with the game-res model, and I'm definitely happy with how it's turning out! Only one more week to completely finish this project though, which will be pretty tough. I might still make some edits to the model (the tire tread pattern, for example).
Week 1: Proxy/game-res part 1
Week 2: Sculpt and final game-res
Week 3: UVs, texturing and final display
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Common Art - VR Sprint 6
This sprint I created proxy textures for the floor, thermal wall, water pipes, thermal pipes, ammo cable, power cable, player's hand, and arm cannon, and created all these materials in-engine. I also re-UVd the pipes so there wouldn't be any weird seams.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
3D Art Week 12 - Vehicle Week 1
I will be revisiting my Cougar 6x6 MRAP from last semester for this final project. I have to check the proxy model and add some more details, then make a basic sculpt and create materials. This week, I made a lot of revisions on the base proxy - adding details, cleaning up geo, and optimizing poly count in a lot of places that were inefficient. I also had to find a lot more references since I'm now working on all sides of this! There is a lot more work than I originally though, but I'm enjoying adding all the little pieces.
Week 1: Proxy/game-res part 1
Week 2: Sculpt and Final game-res
Week 3: UVs, texturing and final display
Monday, April 4, 2022
3D Art Week 11 - Creature Week 4
I had a lot of fun with the texturing on this creature (probably too much fun). I'd say the textures are still a first pass, or proof of concept even, but the general idea is that this creature was killed, in the decomposition process when winter came and it was frozen in ice, then with the spring thaw (or a supernatural force of some sort), it broke free of its icy prison and is now wreaking havoc in the countryside as un undead monstrosity. [Thank you to Marshall for noticing my water looked like ice and therefore sparking this narrative ^_^]
3D Art Summer Project 3 - Week 3.5
We only had a few days since the last turn-in to perfect this project, but I've definitely made some changes. I wasn't happy with h...

This week, my team worked on finishing up proxies and creating more concept art. I made proxy models for the Mad Hatter, Dormouse, Cheshire...
This week, I updated the models for the floor, the wall with the grates in it, the destructible blocks the player will shoot, and the water ...
The third round of RPP was supposed to be an educational game, so I helped create Tree of Life along with Henry Bell, Jessica Caplova, Conne...